Rude In Public! is born.
Society has been devolving for a while, now... and maybe particularly because I live in L.A., I constantly notice examples of self-absorption in the extreme that kind of make me sorry to share a species with the offending party. It's a fact: we're getting ruder. We're also getting less and less inclined to notice other people, or remember anyone outside our own personal space bubble. The purpose of this forum is not to change the world, though that would be nice... but merely to create a place to vent/ note the latest infractions seen.
If the mood strikes you, also note where in the world the rudeness occurred, and maybe eventually we'll compile a list of the rudest places out there. Maybe, just maybe, raising awareness of rudeness will at least make us all marginally nicer in our day to day affairs. (which reminds me: call yourself out, too if need be. We're all rude from time to time, so no cheating!)
I'll go first.
So there I was, in line at the Venice P.O., which if you haven't been, is sort of like a receptacle for humanity, anyway. But on this particular day, I was struck dumb by the sheer animal stupidity and rudeness of the jackass in front of me- who decided to spend his time in line with about 20 or so other people testing each and every ringtone on his cell phone, volume turned up as loud as it would go. When he got through to the end of his list, he started again. And again. And again.. he went through the entire list of ringtones no less than 18 times while we were all stuck there in hell, forced to listen to "fur elise", "macarena", "livin' la vida loca" and my personal fave: salt -n- peppa's classic "push it".
Ooh, bay-bee, BAY-bee.
You know, you raise a good point, Knoxvillegirl. This crosses over into another well-traversed category: Rude In Private (or semi-private, as you know the person in question, but the rudeness occurred in a public place.)
Maybe say something to the bartender next time, like "uh- sorry", if the friend of a friend is that far beyond help.
This is good stuff.
Keep it comin' ..
and Xaya,i KNOW you've got some stories to share... so where are they, twinkletoes?
also: Special thanks to the nurse who weighed me and took my blood pressure the other day at the Dr.'s office-- after 10 days of sickness and no appetite, I weighed in at 95 lbs. Not great, granted- but the real kicker was her saying, "THAT can't be right.. you look MUCH!!! bigger than THAT." (ok, in full bloom of health I still weigh, like, 100 lbs, so this is really not that radical a difference.) No matter, she then enumerates for me all the apparently many reasons she thought i was "bigger"- going so far as to crudely gestue towards my butt, hips and boobs, reiterating she really would think i weighed a LOT more than THAT. Sooo... thanks, lady. I guess I just LOOK fat. You've made my day. No, really... thank you.
p.s., my favorite part is that she then asks my bra size, as apparently whatever cup I am wearing will make it all somehow make sense in her brain.
this is in the fine city of Santa Monica....
good lord- I'm so sorry! Sometimes I think people get ruder the older they get, 'cause they just don't think they have time anymore to be polite.
Actually, Anvid- this gets into a whole 'nother area I was thinking about: Rude At Weddings, or anything wedding related. (and you can supply your own categories: Rude While Dating, Rude While Fornicating, Rude While Shopping, Rude When Aged... etc. etc.) Personally, some of the rudest behavior I've ever witnessed was in regards to my own wedding -- which might just be an entire blog in its own right-- but here are two standout people I want to salute:
1) the seen-it-all, world-weary trailer park chippy who said, "is this your first wedding?"(yes), then, "oh. so you're probably still excited." and
2) the charming chap who told me it's all fine and good 'til someone doesn't like your cooking.. then you end up hating each other, wanting each other dead, and not being able to wait for the divorce to come through. this sage and unbidden advice given all of maybe 45 minutes before i walked down the aisle.
- West Hollywood, CA
a new low: i'm out for a walk by the beach in Santa Monica, and a homeless guy gets right up in my face, screams, "BITTTTCH!"- then shambles on, muttering "BITCH!bitch,bitch,bitch,bitch,BITCH." Excuse me? Did some
(which reminds me: "Rude While Intoxicated" should have some lulus.)
- postscript to the above-
I guess rudeness is in the eye of the beholder. This screaming homeless guy probably thought I was the one being rude... having the audacity to walk around with a smile on my face, enjoying a song I love (god bless the iPod), with a big, bottled water in hand. When put that way, I could see why he'd hate me. Then again... i still think his reaction was a bit uncalled for ... but maybe I'm overthinking the whole thing. I should probably go back to my original assumption that he was drunk, and it wasn't personal.
KnoxvilleGirl-- let me just reassure you, I don't think you even have the innate potential to scar a child, let alone children. That letter transcends rude into just plain mean!
this reminds me, though- i once received an anonymous letter of my own from my downstairs neighbor in Boston, claiming my cat was "racing around like a crazed banshee, causing the apartment walls in this 1800's brick building to cough dust and mouse droppings" into her unit, apparently suffocating her to near-death proportions on an hourly basis. She signed it "a human being!!!" (three exclamation marks); and I was rankled enough to write her back a note saying "oh please. it's your inhalator not being able to process all your smoke and cheap perfume." Never heard from her again... but I probably coulda been a little nicer. Ahh, youth. Funny enough, I kept her letter, too, and may even still have it somewhere.. it was just too histrionic not to store somewhere.
That's revolting! but i like the vitamin water bit. VERY West-Village! ;)
Umbrella People. Motherfuckers.
Bwah ha. Rude in public. I love it. Why didnt I think of that?
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