Rude In Public!

Go ahead. Type it out.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Bathroom Rudeness.

- dare i delve into this disgusting topic? I dare.

Rumor has it (well estABlished rumor, at that)there's a certain chap at a certain major corporation who likes to doodie... then shake people's hands.
Sources in the men's room at said company say Doodiehead is NOT a hand-washer.
Rude? Malicious? Arrogant? You be the judge.


Blogger Lazy Asian said...

I vote for rude. Also - does doodie refer to #1 or #2 or both? Sounds like #2.

2:05 PM, January 12, 2006  
Blogger Anonyme. said...

I was ASSuming it referred to - as you so delicately put it- "#2".... but I actually am not sure. and you know what happens when you ASSume...

6:19 PM, January 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(This is really a test to see if I am logging in correctly, but Mister Doodie and Mister hallway oily chest both get the major Eww gong from me....)

4:06 AM, January 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always amazes me when I see someone I know and work with not wash his hands in the men's room. Instantly changes my attitude from "genial tolerance of colleague about whose existence I am indifferent" to "you revolting piece of shit, join the human race." Of course, I then immediately tell all my female colleagues about it. By the way, is this more of a guy thing, or is it widespread with women too?

6:57 AM, January 14, 2006  
Blogger Anonyme. said...

Definitely more a guy thing. How do you think I found out about Unclean Dude in the first place? Two male coworkers rushed to enlighten me, after they gleefully witnessed me shaking Doodie's germy paw.

Plenty of women are dirty-girls, too-- for some reason, it's always the cute ones with the cute outfits who exit the stalls, fix their bangs, then flounce out the door and leave, sans good ol' soap and H20.

Plainer janes among us seem to be hand washers. There's a link here, somewhere... but I'm not quite sure I can put my (clean!) finger on it.

-The reason I don't broadcast this wretched behavior to male colleagues? Let's face it: y'all wouldn't believe me. You'd just think I was being catty. Men of all ages have an unerring way of ignoring the bad or disgusting habits of girls with good hair. Don't deny it. You know you do.

12:16 PM, January 14, 2006  

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