The Wonderbra: False Advertising?

One of us was looking especially buxom on our night out recently, and when called on it, confessed to generously padding her assets to make her clothes fit better. This (+ alcohol) prompted discussion around the etiquette of false advertising-- namely, is it bait and switch? Or just another trick in the average girl's repertoire? One of us thought it didn't matter, one thought it was a bad way to go into potentially getting naked for the first time with someone who would then realize the boobs were a lie... and I personally fall on the side of, hell, pad away, whatever, who cares... if he's lucky enough to be there, he probably isn't complaining about the view. (If he is-- kick him to the curb!) But what do I know.
All thoughts (as always-- not that i'm hinting or anything--HELLO!! is anyone OUT there?!?) are welcome on this subject...male or female, I'd love to know where you stand on the subject of artifice as dating strategem. Men! Would you in fact BE disappointed to learn upon undressing a new ladyfriend that indeed the hills were not alive? Women! Do you worry your less-than-ample Victoria's secret will be found out? Do you care? Are you one of those who keep the bra on, just in case?
I really want to know where we all stand on this most important and pressing matter... and guys, i know some of you pad, too, before you get all cocky.
I must confess that I have used cutlets, cookies, wonderbras, VS gel bras and almost everything else to give some tops a shape when necessary
I would consider it about the same as most commercials.. and if someone's upset about the "falsehood" then let's just say the "I'll call you" remark sort of keeps them humble
While I've never considered adding padding to be an ethical issue other than promoting an unreal and shallow standard of beauty, I thought it impractical since if all went extremely well, ones ruse would be discovered sooner or later. But when I think of men (and women) whose courting behaviors deceive prospective partners into thinking they're wonderful until the hook has been swallowed and the REAL person emerges, cheating by a cup size or two is pretty small potatoes. As for bulking up to make clothes fit better, that seems a bit backward. Why not adapt clothing to ones own body instead of trying to make the body conform to some designer's idea of perfection?
What about all the rejuvenating skin care products modeled by 18 year olds? Truth in advertising, indeed.
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